The Stuff We Do...

About Us

Morgan and Margaret grew up worlds apart, meeting against all odds in college at Mississippi College.  After a year and a half of careful courtship, Morgan asked for Margaret's hand in marriage, and much to his delight and amazement, she agreed!  Six months later, in the Merry Month of May, Margaret and Morgan were wed in Holy Matrimony.  

Morgan and Margaret are committed followers of Jesus, continually seeking ways to love and serve the people around them.  They are part of a body of believers called the Journey, a community of sinful, laughably inadequate people who just can't get Jesus off their minds.  It makes for some interesting situations sometimes...

Interesting fact: Margaret and Morgan are joining the Peace Corps and if all goes well will leave for "Asia" in June of 2012!!!  We want this website to be a place that we can chronicle our adventures to friends and family.

Morgan's History

Morgan is the tall one.
     Morgan is the middle of three devilishly handsome sons of Darryl and Sandi Holland.  Born in Colorado, his life took a turn for the surreal when his parents joined Mission Aviation Fellowship and moved to Ecuador, South America.  Morgan and his brothers grew up in the steamy jungles of Ecuador, catching various critters, frightening their parents, and terrorizing the local chickens with blowguns.  
     In high school, Morgan attended two different boarding schools, leaving his tearful parents for the adventurous life of  dorm living.  The first boarding school, Alliance Academy in Quito, Ecuador, fell into his lap like a ripe watermelon: sweet, juicy, and ready to be plucked and eaten.  Morgan left that school after two years, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts.
     The next nation on Morgan's list to conquer was Germany.  He arrived fashionably late for school in the middle of his Junior year, having spent a semester in the United States.  He took to Black Forest Academy like an Alaskan grizzly takes to salmon, once again ruling the school and making all the ladies swoon.  But all too soon it was time to graduate and move on.  
     From there, Morgan moved to Mississippi, where he completed his first two years of university at Meridian Community College, moving swiftly on to Mississippi College, where the story gets interesting.  There Morgan met the woman of his dreams, Margaret.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Morgan graduated December of 2010, shortly after proposing to Margaret.  He now lives with his beautiful wife in Jackson, MS.  

Margaret's Blurb

Margaret is the one on the bike.
       Margaret grew up on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, but moved to Central MS for her high school years. That move helped Margaret learn a lot about what she is now passionate about--reconciliation and rehabilitation, specifically between different cultural groups.  She is at Mississippi College studying Social Work so she can learn how to help others love each other regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed. 
        She spent some time in Swaziland, Africa in 2007 and Bolivia, South America in 2010. Those two experiences were life-changing and a big part of the reason she wants to live and work in a culture other than her own.  With all of that said... she's really excited about the next "phase" in Morgan's and her life together: PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEERING!!!